Craft a winning AI Strategy
Define uses cases
Hype vs. Practical Use
Supercharge your existing workflow by automating and accelerating tasks with AI
Supercharge your
existing workflow by automating and
accelerating tasks
with AI
Identify AI Use Cases
& Success Metrics
Design the solution
& identify limitations
Solution Design
Clear Project Plan
Timelines, Cost and
Resources needed
Optimize and integrate
into workflows
Evaluation & Iteration
Key Trends
Expect to integrate GenAI into legal
work in the next 12 months
Meeting clients changing expectations
Meeting clients changing
Increased volume and complexity of information
Increased volume and complexity
of information
Growing impact of generative AI
Greater price competition
Ability to recruit and retain talent
Supercharge your existing
workflow by automating
and accelerating tasks with AI
Key Trends
Dokkveien 1, 0250 Oslo, Norway
©2024 by
Craft a winning AI Strategy
Define uses cases
Hype vs. Practical Use
Reach Out and Discover High-Value AI Use Cases with team!
Request a Demo
Craft a winning
AI Strategy
Define uses
Hype vs.
Practical Use
Craft a winning
AI Strategy
Craft a winning
AI Strategy
Craft a winning
AI Strategy
Define uses
Define uses
Define uses
Hype vs.
Practical Use
Hype vs.
Practical Use
Hype vs.
Practical Use
Supercharge your existing workflow by automating and accelerating
tasks with AI
Supercharge your existing workflow by automating and accelerating tasks with AI
Identify AI Use Cases
& Success Metrics
Identify AI Use Cases
& Success Metrics
Identify AI Use Cases
& Success Metrics
Identify AI Use Cases
& Success Metrics
Design the solution
& identify limitations
Design the solution
& identify limitations
Design the solution
& identify limitations
Design the solution
& identify limitations
Solution Design
Clear Project Plan
Timelines, Cost and
Resources needed
Timelines, Cost and
Resources needed
Timelines, Cost and
Resources needed
Timelines, Cost and
Resources needed
Optimize and integrate
into workflows
Optimize and integrate
into workflows
Optimize and integrate
into workflows
Optimize and integrate
into workflows
Evaluation & Iteration
Expect to integrate GenAI
into legal work in the
next 12 months
Meeting clients changing
Increased volume and
complexity of information
Growing impact of
generative AI
Greater price competition
Ability to recruit and
retain talent
Key Trends
Reach Out and Discover High-Value AI Use Cases with
Request a Demo
Craft a winning
AI Strategy
Define uses
Hype vs.
Practical Use
Expect to integrate GenAI into legal
work in the next 12 months
Meeting changing clients expectation
Meeting clients changing expectations
Meeting clients changing expectations
Increased volume and complexity of information
Growing impact of generative AI
Greater price competition
Ability to recruit and retain talent
Rech Out and discover
High-Value AI Case with
Request a Demo
Key Trends
Key Trends
Join Now and Eliminate
Repetitive Tasks
Request a Demo
Dokkveien 1, 0250 Oslo, Norway
©2024 by